“Cozzie livs” has become day-to-day slang for “cost of living”, (What does ‘cozzie livs’ mean and why are people saying it? Cost of living slang term goes viral – Birmingham Live (birminghammail.co.uk), even becoming the word of the year 2023 in Australia Macquarie Dictionary names ‘cozzie livs’ its Word of 2023. Here’s what it means – ABC News.
The Economist published a recent article looking at the cost of living How Europe’s cities stack up in the cost-of-living index (economist.com). It’s an issue that leaders and deciders are having to think about seriously at each and every level of society.
We’re all feeling the pinch, the need to look for a cheaper option sometimes – whether that be in our private lives, or in the businesses we run.
And yet, we don’t want to feel as if we are missing out on things, or losing out on ‘quality’.
In Normandy, you can have the same – if not a far better – quality of life and work environment, all whilst not having to break the bank.
Take housing, for example. Our sister site at “Choisir La Normandie” S’installer en Normandie – Normandie Attractivité (choisirlanormandie.fr) underlines this point, with the cost of housing being up to five times cheaper in Normandy than in Paris. And Paris is only the third-most expensive city in Europe according to The Economist! With Paris only a train commute away, more and more people are choosing to work from home for at least part of the week.
But rather than just living in Normandy, and commuting into Paris, the idea of bring jobs and businesses from Paris – as well as other expensive cities and regions – becomes a far more viable option.
And bringing your business to Normandy makes sense, even more so in these “cozzie livs” times. Not only is Normandy a strategic location, close to Paris and at in the heart of the European consumer market, but it is also an international economy, open to Asia, North and South America, the Middle East and Africa, through its ports. It offers a highly diversified economy, with strong, key strategic sectors such as industry, energy, digital, logistics, health and agriculture, as well as being an ideal ecosystem for transition projects – renewable energies, hydrogen, recycling, agri-food. All of this, and a highly trained and skilled workforce!
And Normandy is a world-renowned tourism destination, which welcomes millions from around the globe every year, and is one of the most recognisable names in the world.
These are just some of the reasons why nearly 800 companies have already made the choice to set-up in Normandy.

The Invest team in AD Normandie can advise investors in the different stages of the creation of their business to be able to set-up in Normandy.
Alongside our partners (lawyers, specialist accountants, insurance advisors, etc.) we work with you through each of the key stages of your project.
Our partners, as well as ourselves, have dedicated English speaking teams to work with international companies.
And all of these assets are combined in Normandy with a framework of superb landscapes, a rich and vibrant cultural heritage, gastronomy, and much more. Normandy has so much to offer those who want to make it their home and do business here.
“Cozzie livs” may have become part of our everyday lives, but living, working and doing business in Normandy just makes everything that little bit easier!