Ayro: taking wings

Located in Colombelles, Normandy, and near the Caen Canal, AYRO is the start-up that created and fabricated OceanWings.
These revolutionary wingsails – inspired by aircraft wings – are designed using hybrid wind propulsion technology.
The sail propulsion technology offered by AYRO is probably the most efficient on the market and allows for a very significant reduction in CO2 emissions.
The OceanWings also offer other advantages, including optimised weight, deck space-saving dimensions and a simpler structure, enabling rapid installation on ships.
The idea was first dreamt up in 2010, during the America’s Cup yacht race. A 72-metre rigid wing was designed and allowed the BMW Oracle USA 17 trimaran to win the cup.
8 years later, the Ayro start-up was born with the goal of having a virtuous impact on the environment.

A prosperous futur for the start-up

In 2021, Ayro raised an initial €10.5 million from Ocean Zero, Bpifrance, and Mer Invest to develop its OceanWings and set up its factory.
New projects are on the horizon: in July 2023, Ayro assembled four 40-metre-long articulated wings for the Canopée ship, developed by Ariane Group and carrying the Ariane 6 launcher.
This installation reduces carbon consumption and CO2 emissions by 30%. The start-up will also participate in the Whisper project, which brings together a European consortium of 14 partners.

All of these projects are backed by various investment funds, including Normandie Participations and Normandie Littoral, which recently acquired a stake in the start-up. Supporting a Normandy industrial start-up that participates in decarbonising maritime transport is at the heart of the regional strategy in Normandy.

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